-Our EducatorsTeacher Spotlight: Three Aim High Teachers Making an Impact in Education September 11, 2009
-Summer at Aim HighAim High Revamps Math, Science, College Awareness Curricula for Summer 2009 September 11, 2009
-News and EventsSite Spotlight: AH-Urban College Tours Show Students Path to College September 11, 2009
-News and EventsDonor Spotlight: Mark Lampert and Susan Byrd Launch Sponsor-a-Campus Challenge with $100,000 gift September 11, 2009
-News and EventsSite Spotlight: Aim High @ Bishop O’Dowd Guest Performers Inspire Oakland Kids September 11, 2009
-News and EventsAim High Supporter Runs 28-mile Quadruple Dipsea, raises $7K for Aim High September 11, 2009